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Ján Veľbacký

Photo gallery from the live broadcast of the program Music Siesta on the waves of Radio Devín during the Hevhetia ShowCase & JazzBus 2020.

The mini-tour project SPERO, authored by Krzysztof Kobilińsky, had a stop in the Polish town of Tarnowskie Gory. In the palace in Rybnie in front of a receptive audience, Voces Gregorianae Cassovienses sang with a piano accompaniment by Krzysztof Kobyliński. The artistic director of the vocal ensemble Voces Gregorianae Cassovienses: Ján Veľbacký took over the baton.

The final concert of the Slovak part of the Hevhetia festival was also the premiere of the Spero project by the Polish composer and pianist Krzysztof Kobyliński. In collaboration with the Slovak vocal ensemble Voces Gregorianae Cassovienses, they offered the audience a magnificent musical experience at the Seminary Church in Košice. Conducted by Ján Veľbacký.

Depuis sa fondation en 2001, la maison d’édition slovaque Hevhetia s’est progressivement imposée sur la scène musicale mondiale en tant que maison d’édition indépendante unique en son genre, connue pour son caractère novateur. Pendant dix-huit ans, elle a édité plus de 250 titres de musique dans les domaines du jazz, de la musique improvisée, de la musique classique contemporaine et de nombreux autres genres. Hevhetia est également active dans l’éducation musicale et le soutien aux talents.

Festival Voicingers are not only workshops and education, but also broadening the musical horizon. This includes numerous jam sessions as well as regular concerts. The first concert evening belonged to the author of the idea Voicingers, Grzegorz Karnas and his group Karnas Formula.

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